Amazing turn out for our AGM

What a fantastic turnout we had at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) back in Feb 2019;

nearly 70 people rocked up and tucked in to some delicious home-made soup, prepared and served by our Young Operation Farmers!


It was great to welcome new and existing volunteers and their family and friends at our AGM at The Kitchen in Ashton, the place was cooking! Whilst the AGM is a formal meeting, the lunch provided a perfect opportunity to celebrate the success of the growing year, reflect on the events and workshops of 2018 and get together to discuss plans for the future.

The formal part of the AGM was held in the training apartment, where Chair, Jonathan presented the accounts,  and project activity. We welcome John Irwin and Rob Muir to the board, with Anna Seward, Nigel Rolland and Christine Clark remaining on the committee and Alison Shockledge and Jonathan Atkinson being re-elected unanimously.

Thanks to our Young Operation Farmers

Our Young Op Farmers sacrificed a precious Saturday, got up really early and started all the prep for the soup share/AGM. It was a great opportunity to talk about catering for special diets, including vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free and the importance of personal and food hygiene.


  • Tomato & Lentil Soup (vegan)
  • Spicy Winter Parsnip & Celeriac Soup
  • Home-made Soda Bread
  • Red Velvet Cupcakes

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Thanks as always to our wonderful volunteers who helped to cook, serve and wash a mountain of pots!

We raised £117, which goes towards our annual core costs

We have some really exciting plans for 2019, will keep you updated on our social media sites!

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